
More Organization Tips

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Color coding is one of the many ways to organize your things .If you prefer to have your things colour coding or are looking to learn more you came to the right place.My mission is to help you find your personal favourite way to organize your things.The first one i will tell you about is colour coding.Colour coding can be used to organize many things such as your closet on this page i will share a bit of info about these techniques to organize and will share a few more details later.Some people like to use the raimbow to coordinate their closet .To color code you put your clothes in this clor order:White, tan, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, brown, grey, black.If you have any patterned clothes create a patterned section or decide on it's primary color and group it with that color.


Journaling is a great way to organzie your life and destress .You can either journal your dreams, thoughts or your day.You can even plan your days and jot down any important events coming up this would be called bullet journaling .I will be telling you more about bullet journalng a. bit later.


Destress Another way to organize your life is to destress .You can destress by organizing as well or you can meditate,take deep breaths and go on a walk there are many ways to relax and stay calm through all the things you have to do so stay calm and enjoy life.

Self Care Self care is essential to staying calm,organized and happy.Self care can come in many forms it could be a face mask,gardening,writing/drawing ,and even something as simple as drinking a cup of tea and watching your favorite show.

Build a routine Building a routine is a great way to stay organized,productive and on schedule.I also think making a habit tacker has personally helped me stay on track and get things done this can be done in a bullet journal or just ona blank piece of paper.I recommended waking up early to have some time for your self to workout,enjoy a cup of coffee,or make breakfast.This can also count as self care me time is a great way to come your self .

Gratitude Practicing gratitude on a regular basis has been associated with enhanced optimism,better sleep,fewer physical ailments,and lower levels of anxiety and depression.This gratitude can also help reshape the brain.Gratitude is something you can practice every morning just take a few minutes to relax and take some deep breaths.Think about all the things your grateful or maybe jot them down. Take a minute to thank the universe or your creator.

Optimism Optimism again goes under the category of self care.Thinking positive not only makes us happier but gives us better health,positive mood/morale,more vitality,a sense of mastery ,high self-regard,fewer negative emotions,and better coping.Optimists are actually generally happier wih their lives than pessimests .So lest all try and be as positive as we can through these tough times.

Anxiety If your ever feeling anxious try to take a little break to not overwhelm yourself too much.You can also try counting to 10 slowly,limit caffeine,and eating well balanced meals.If your struggling with anxiety do some self care take a day off and relax a little.

Sleep Sleep affects so many things like your productivity,memory,and stress.Ifyou geta good night's sleep it also has many benefits such as preventing cancer,keeping your heart healthy,reducing stress, and can even help you lose weight.If you have troubles falling asleep or getting a good night's sleep here are a few ideas to help. -exercise daily -lavender oil on pillow -Screentime is not good for sleep time

Healthy Eating Eating healthy also affects everything we have been talking about your sleep,mood,and stress.Try eating healthy and you will notice the many benefits like Weight loss,reduced cancer risk,strong bones,strong teeth,better memory,and a better mood.